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| Media Release
Monday, August 29, 2022 - 12:00

South Africa’s Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) now hosts Africa’s only laboratory equipped to test and verify imported or locally produced products that are being promoted as biodegradable.

This follows the recent handover of an automated testing facility and equipment, valued at R5 million, to the CSIR by the Japanese government, through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The testing laboratory is capable of establishing the conditions and timeframes for the biodegradation of materials. Tests can be performed under different conditions – aerobic (compost, soil, freshwater and marine) and anaerobic.

| News
Wednesday, November 2, 2022 - 08:30 to Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 15:00

The two-day conference will bring together scientific experts, academia and industry leaders from around the world, and members of the public to evaluate how research, development and innovation (RD&I) can be harnessed to build a robust South African economy.

This year’s conference will be held under the theme: ‘Harnessing research, development and innovation for a robust South African economy’.

Play this Audio for more information on the conference.

| News
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 - 17:45

She has become a familiar figure against the brick and mortar backdrop of the CSIR Hydraulic Laboratory in Stellenbosch – just as familiar and consistent as the waves that she has been generating day in and day out as part of her Master’s degree research. Meet Melissa Cairns, a full-time student at Stellenbosch University, where she first completed her Bachelor of Engineering in civil engineering during 2020.

| News
Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 09:30

Workshop to bridge gap between science and policy

Energy Research Centre

The CSIR’s Energy Research Centre provides fact-base expertise and essential research infrastructure to address South Africa’s growing energy needs, and maximise the associated industrialisation opportunities for new products and services.

The centre provides thought leadership, innovation and capacity building to address the two main energy imperatives of energy efficiency and cleaner energy. The centre responds directly to the challenges identified in the National Development Plan by providing unbiased decision support to solve the long-term sustainable energy needs of South Africa, while concurrently addressing issues such as carbon dioxide emissions, water use, uncertainty, localisation and regional development. 

The centre’s activities are guided by global trends, contextualised to local realities and focused on developing sustainable energy systems.

The activities can be summarised as follows:

  • Conduct directed research in emerging energy technologies and system integration;
  • Proof of concept of emerging energy technologies and systems;
  • Demonstrate energy technologies and systems in the South African context and support their local industrialisation and commercialisation;
  • Conduct directed research on how to optimally design, build and operate cost-efficient, reliable and sustainable energy systems;
  • Find optimal pathways for the expansion and operation of energy systems through modelling and simulation;
  • Provide policymakers with a scientifically based analysis of market design and regulatory concepts for the integration of new energy technologies;
  • Provide support for South African industries on key energy-system-related decisions, and identify and action opportunities for the industrialisation of new products and services; and
  • Provide thought leadership on the energy agenda in South Africa and the region.


The CSIR Energy Research Centre aims to be the first point of contact  for South African decision-makers on issues relating to the energy transition, business and science related issues. The energy transition is a move towards a more sustainable and cleaner energy system that will eventually result in more efficient energy use and a significant share of the primary energy supply being provided by renewables. The CSIR will leverage the learning from the South African energy transition to support the creation of sustainable energy systems for other African countries.     

Research groups: South Africa is well positioned to be  among those regional and global leaders who successfully transition to energy systems in which renewable electricity forms the primary energy carrier.

Investment in research and development initiatives that speak to technology innovation and industrialisation is paramount. Such initiatives include:

  • Researching and developing energy technology solutions along the energy value chain - for grid, transportation and stationary applications as used in commercial, industrial and residential sectors;
  • Creating integrated, cross-cutting teams by establishing national industrial/university/lab consortiums focused on energy storage and conversion systems;
  • Contributing to early adoption of hydrogen in niche applications (underground mining, public transportation), Power to X and carbon capture and utilisation.
  • Contributing to small-scale embedded generation and self-generation, growth in solar photovoltaic (PV) installation at the commercial and residential level;
  • Adding value to the South African economy through industrialisation, small business development, socio-economic development and addressing transformation challenges, over and above energy security;
  • Designing and operating smart energy system to optimise and manage the interplay between variable supply sources, demand and storage. Providing a demonstration platform for programmes such as Hydrogen South Africa on the CSIR Pretoria campus. Supporting the implementation of a sustainable, renewable energy based micro-grid;
  • Providing scientific and industrialisation support to the energy industry to improve competitiveness and market access opportunities; and
  • Developing energy storage technologies to support the increasing renewable energy sector and utilising the opportunity for the country to invest in developing the South African battery industry, which will, in turn, reduce the cost of battery cells and improve ease of accessibility of electricity in the African continent.
CSIR Energy Research Centre Manager, Dr Thabo Hlalele
Dr Thabo Hlalele
+27 (12) 841 3609
| Projects
Project Status: 

The CSIR is assisting national and local government, cities and other stakeholders with urban planning strategies by making use of spatial and urban growth modelling and simulation software.

| Research groups

The CSIR’s Earth Observation research group focuses on fundamental and applied research, as well as applications development, across the oceanic coastal, and freshwater realms of southern Africa.

| Projects
Project Status: 

Welcome to #SolvePlasticsAfrica, the CSIR’s Science, Technology and Innovation Hub aimed at providing evidence-based solutions to addressing plastic pollution in Africa, through various modelling c

| Media Release
Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 17:15

Chief researcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Dr Sandy Thomalla, in collaboration with 14 contributing authors, led the Southern Ocean section of the chapter on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. The State of the Climate Report is a peer-reviewed series published annually as a special supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.