
CSIR webinar: Technological Innovations to Tackle South Africa’s Literacy Crises

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 - 10:00 to 11:00

Low literacy remains a significant challenge in South Africa, with recent studies highlighting concerning trends. The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study has shown that 81% of South African 10-year-olds cannot read with comprehension. This result underscores the urgent need for effective literacy improvement interventions.

Contact Person

Kulani Chauke

+27 (071) 266 0019


Low literacy remains a significant challenge in South Africa, with recent studies highlighting concerning trends. The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study has shown that 81% of South African 10-year-olds cannot read with comprehension. This result underscores the urgent need for effective literacy improvement interventions.

On Tuesday, 28 January 2025, the CSIR will host a webinar to provide expert insights into South Africa’s current literacy data, introduce the CSIR’s speech and text technologies application as a digital solution and outline plans to pilot this technology in different provinces across the country, especially in disadvantaged schools. This project, funded by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, is called Ngiyaqonda! (isiZulu for “I understand”).


Members of the media are invited to the webinar as follows:

Date: Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Time: 10:00 – 11:00

Link to the briefing: Microsoft Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODlkMTcxNTgtNzk0ZC00YjU4LWE1OGMtZmZiZTkwMzk5YzFj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%222fd3c5d5-ddb2-4ed3-9803-f89675928df4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f51d49d6-998c-4477-86ea-d7a9e902c480%22%7d

YouTube Stream link: https://youtube.com/live/lAhp0vv9mDE?feature=share

Click here to view the agenda

To RSVP with Phetolo Phatsibi, the Media Relations Practitioner, at PPhatsibi@csir.co.za or 081 396 8871

For enquiries, contact Kulani Chauke, the CSIR Media Relations Manager, at 071 266 0019 or KChauke@csir.co.za.

About the CSIR: 

The CSIR, an entity of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, is one of the leading scientific and technology research, development and implementation organisations in Africa. Constituted by an Act of Parliament in 1945 as a science council, the CSIR undertakes directed and multidisciplinary research and technological innovation, as well as industrial and scientific development, to improve the quality of life of all South Africans. For more information, visit: www.csir.co.za.   

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