South African Clinical Multiome Atlas Project (SA Clin-MAP)
The African continent harbours both the greatest genetic diversity and the greatest disease burden globally. The African diaspora is among the most underrepresented population groups in global health databases and resources.
This convergence of factors, in turn, uniquely positions the African clinical landscape as a potentially valuable resource to better resolve the mechanisms driving specific disease states and clinical outcomes, particularly those that may be occluded within datasets derived from more genetically restricted population groups.
The Digital Biobank will leverage a unique convergence of clinical access, multiome expertise and digital infrastructure across strategic national clinical-research collaborations to establish this resource. The selection of clinical cohorts will focus on African health priority areas and previously underserved population groups.
Figure 1. Overview of the Digital Biobank concept
The selection of clinical cohorts is informed by African-focused clinical priority areas tailored to historically underserved population groups. scSEQ and proteomics technologies are accessible within the CSIR and at collaborative sites. The Digital Biobank will leverage deep learning and data-driven solutions to support precision healthcare innovation and catalyse novel, clinically actionable interventions within the African landscape.