
Cancelled Tenders

CSIR tenders above R 500 000.00 are published on National Treasury website in line with Treasury Instruction No 1 of 2015/2016 dated: 8 April 2015

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CSIR CEO letter to stakeholders

For easy access to CSIR tenders – select “Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) under Department.

Active Tenders Cancelled Tenders Awarded Tenders Withdrawn Tenders
Title Tender Number Cancelation Reason
Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the Supply and Delivery of Freeze Dryer to the CSIR CSIR RFQ 9246/18/09/2020
Request for Proposals (RFP) For The Supply, Maintenance and Repairs of the CSIR ICT Cabling Infrastructure for a period of three (3) years on an “as and when required basis” CSIR RFP 3473/30/07/2021 No acceptable tender is received
Request for Proposals (RFP) The provision of South African reagent antibody market analysis to the CSIR CSIR RFP 957/12/07/2021 Due to changed circumstances, there is no longer a need for the goods or services specified in the invitation;
Request for Proposals (RFP) For Developing a People Strategy for the CSIR. CSIR RFP 3461/05/07/2021 Due to changed circumstances, there is no longer a need for the goods or services specified in the invitation;
Request for Proposals (RFP) The provision of services to develop and produce a set of info-graphic instructional energy efficiency videos to CSIR CSIR RFP 955/28/06/2021 No acceptable tender is received
Request for Proposals (RFP) The supply of various types of gases to the CSIR Analytical Laboratories for a period of 3 years CSIR RFP 954/22/06/2021 No acceptable tender is received
Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Pressure Equipment Directive (PED 2014/68/EU) Third Party Audit by an Accredited Notified Body CSIR RFQ 5694/11/06/2021 Due to changed circumstances, there is no longer a need for the goods or services specified in the invitation;