
CSIR’s competency-based training for improved mineworker safety

The CSIR has developed an innovative competency-based training framework that provides mining trainees with near-real emergency training experiences. The solution uses virtual reality (VR) technology to improve the safety of mineworkers through immersive and experiential training on hazardous scenarios. This training framework uses VR to train mineworkers on adequately responding to emergencies such as underground fires and explosions. The approach is set to enhance the trainees’ readiness to respond to hazardous underground scenarios, such as irrespirable atmospheres, thus contributing to the safety of South Africa’s mineworkers. The competency-based training thus ensures that the workers are competent in emergency procedures, such as donning self-contained self-rescuers and proceeding to the nearest place of safety. It also familiarises workers with what to expect in instances of emergencies

Hartmut, CSIR Mining Cluster

Contact Person

Hartmut Brodner

Virtual reality training
Competency based training