
CSIR-developed collision prevention digital twin to improve operational efficiencies in the mining sector

The CSIR has developed a near-real-time digital risk assessment tool for the mining industry in support of collision prevention of trackless mobile machinery (TMM). This tool has been developed within the industry to support minimising and eliminating vehicle collisions, which have been the second largest contributors to fatalities in the South African mining industry for over a decade. The digital twin tool uses the application of key 4IR technologies, such as big data analytics and digital twin technology, to evaluate the risk associated with vehicle interaction. The tool provides data-driven insights for driver behaviour, traffic management plans and non-conformance events to enable the continuous improvement of TMM safety and productivity and optimise both safety and production outputs during mining operations. The TMM digital twin improves the safety of mining operations in compliance with Chapter 8 of the regulations of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996).

Hartmut, CSIR Mining Cluster

Contact Person

Hartmut Brodner

collision prevention twin