
Search Results

| Expert
CSIR Researcher

She recently joined the CSIR after having spent time in academia doing postdoctoral research and teaching SES concepts to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

| Technology Available For Licensing

The CSIR has developed a solution to deliver unbroken video streams over mobile networks from 2.5G (rural) – 4G (Wi-Fi) at data costs ranging from as low as R2 up to R50 per viewing hour.

| Event
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - 00:00 to Friday, December 3, 2021 - 00:00


| Projects
Project Status: 

Previous studies on tree water use quantified the water requirements of apple orchards, but these were not exceptionally high-yielding orchards.

| Expert
CSIR industry support manager

Zimba holds an Advanced MSc degree in Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) and Satellite Applications from a French University, Ecole Nationale l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) in Toulouse, France

| Expert
CSIR senior researcher

Sethole is a CSIR senior researcher that leads algorithm development for the processing of biometric data.

| Expert
CSIR senior researcher

Wu is establishing research activities in the development of high power fibre lasers at the CSIR.

| Expert
CSIR senior researcher

Ndlela has a PhD in zoology and has been with the CSIR for eight years.

| Expert
CSIR principal researcher

Mapiravana obtained a PhD in materials engineering from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom (UK).

| Expert
CSIR senior researcher

Rohwer has contributed to a wide range of projects in the fields of chemical processes, pollution measurement, waste management, production assessment and energy-related materials in his more than