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| News
Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 00:00

How would you define water security?

| Research groups

In the fields of agricultural and forest water use and water management, the CSIR has skills in the detailed quantification of crop and tree water-use, agrometeorology and surface water- groundwate

| News
Thursday, February 9, 2023 - 07:30

The aim of the educational visit was to expose the Forum to various water related research, development and innovation (RD&I) projects taking place at the CSIR. Over 70 individuals attended the education visit and tour.

“Water leakage (non-revenue water), dysfunctional water and wastewater infrastructure, high-cost water treatment technologies, AMD treatment, poor water planning and accountability, dwindling water resources, deteriorating water quality, emerging water pollutants, lack of access to alternative water resources and lack of key domain skills are some of the water challenges being addressed,” noted Hlabela.

| Research groups

CSIR research in this domain is crucial for the protection of national water resources and the environment from the impact of water pollution.

| News
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 00:00

Researchers from the CSIR are teaching the community of Stinkwater, in Gauteng, how to make their drinking water safe.

| Projects
Project Status: 

The CSIR’s technology platform for adsorbent technologies focuses on the development of low-cost polymer-based adsorbents for the removal of toxic pollutants such as heavy metals, anions and organi

| Expert
CSIR senior researcher

The CSIR expert has extensive experience in water science, specifically water resource management, and is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society and a Certified Professional Natura

| Scientific Infrastructure

The water and health microbiology research facility is key for research on the presence of microorganisms in water and how they impact human health.