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| Expert
CSIR senior researcher

Lefophane has a wide background in automatic identification and data capture technologies.

| Expert
CSIR chief researcher

Cho holds a PhD in hyperspectral remote sensing from the International Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation, Enschede, and the University of Wageningen, Netherlands.

Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the Rental, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Digital Multifunctional Colour Printer/Copier to the CSIR

Tender Number: 
CSIR RFQ 5778/03/12/2021
Closing Date: 
Friday, December 3, 2021 - 16:30
Publication Date: 
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Submission Venue: 
Electronic submission: tender@csir.co.za
Cancelation Reason: 
Due to changed circumstances, there is no longer a need for the goods or services specified in the invitation;

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Quality and Reliability Testing Facility

The CSIR photovoltaic module quality and reliability lab

The CSIR’s photovoltaic (PV) module quality and reliability testing laboratory – a first of its kind for Africa – includes world-class equipment for localising accelerated reliability stress testing on PV modules. This ensures that only high-quality modules that are suitable to the unique South African climate are developed and installed.

The CSIR’s accelerated stress tests provide quantitative metrics for evaluating the performance and reliability of solar PV modules over time. “The tests accelerate the failures in poorly constructed modules that can otherwise take years to occur naturally in the field, thereby helping to ensure reliable solar PV plant performance. Like a referee on the field, the lab tests ensure that the suppliers play fair and provide only high-quality and reliable modules”, says CSIR solar PV expert, Lawrence Pratt.

The environmental and mechanical stress testing forms the foundation for the pre-qualification of new concepts, certification of new PV modules and reliability testing of existing PV technology. “We have the equipment, experience and expertise to conduct testing on most of the common PV technologies, including crystalline, thin film, high capacitance and bifacial modules,” explains Pratt.

The PV module quality and reliability testing services are designed around specialised equipment for PV module extended reliability. The specialised equipment includes environmental chambers to simulate the real-world environmental conditions listed below:

  • Thermal cycling of modules from -40 C to 85 C for 200, 400, and 600 cycles to simulate stress from thermal expansion and contraction.
  • Humidity freeze testing: 85 C / 85% RH for 20 hours and a -40 C freeze for 10, 20, and 30 cycles to stress the lamination and adhesion strength of the PV module.
  • Damp heat testing: 85 C / 85% RH for 1 000 hours, 2 000 hours, with and without electrical bias to stress the adhesion and insulation of the PV module.
  • Mechanical load testing: static and dynamic load for simulating transportation, installation, and wind loads that may lead to broken cells and weakened interconnections.


The lab also operates specialised characterisation equipment to measure the electrical performance and safety aspects of the PV module. Pratt points out that the sun simulator outputs an equivalent dose of energy nearly identical to the sun’s energy and spectrum, but only for a fraction of a second. “This is just enough time to accurately and precisely record the current, voltage and power output of the PV module across various temperatures (15 °C and 75 °C) and light intensities (200 W/m2 to 1100 W/m2)”, he says.

The sun simulator is used to compare the output of the PV module as measured at the factory against an independent standard. The sun simulator is also critical to quantify the impact of the accelerated stress tests described above. Finally, the high potential electrical tester helps to identify failures in the insulation resulting from accelerated stresses. Failures in electrical insulation indicate a potential risk to the safe and reliable performance of PV modules over time.

The PV team at the CSIR also offers outdoor test services for module-level performance testing, soiling studies, degradation studies and small-scale string inverter system testing in a real-world environment.

damp heat chamber
solar pv testing
solar photovoltaic testing

Related Information

Fact sheet


solar photovoltaic testing


The CSIR photovoltaic module quality and reliability lab

The CSIR’s photovoltaic (PV) module quality and reliability testing laboratory – a first of its kind for Africa – includes world-class equipment for localising accelerated reliability stress testing on PV modules. This ensures that only high-quality modules that are suitable to the unique South African climate are developed and installed.

The CSIR’s accelerated stress tests provide quantitative metrics for evaluating the performance and reliability of solar PV modules over time. “The tests accelerate the failures in poorly constructed modules that can otherwise take years to occur naturally in the field, thereby helping to ensure reliable solar PV plant performance. Like a referee on the field, the lab tests ensure that the suppliers play fair and provide only high-quality and reliable modules”, says CSIR solar PV expert, Lawrence Pratt.

The environmental and mechanical stress testing forms the foundation for the pre-qualification of new concepts, certification of new PV modules and reliability testing of existing PV technology. “We have the equipment, experience and expertise to conduct testing on most of the common PV technologies, including crystalline, thin film, high capacitance and bifacial modules,” explains Pratt.

The PV module quality and reliability testing services are designed around specialised equipment for PV module extended reliability. The specialised equipment includes environmental chambers to simulate the real-world environmental conditions listed below:

  • Thermal cycling of modules from -40 C to 85 C for 200, 400, and 600 cycles to simulate stress from thermal expansion and contraction.
  • Humidity freeze testing: 85 C / 85% RH for 20 hours and a -40 C freeze for 10, 20, and 30 cycles to stress the lamination and adhesion strength of the PV module.
  • Damp heat testing: 85 C / 85% RH for 1 000 hours, 2 000 hours, with and without electrical bias to stress the adhesion and insulation of the PV module.
  • Mechanical load testing: static and dynamic load for simulating transportation, installation, and wind loads that may lead to broken cells and weakened interconnections.


The lab also operates specialised characterisation equipment to measure the electrical performance and safety aspects of the PV module. Pratt points out that the sun simulator outputs an equivalent dose of energy nearly identical to the sun’s energy and spectrum, but only for a fraction of a second. “This is just enough time to accurately and precisely record the current, voltage and power output of the PV module across various temperatures (15 °C and 75 °C) and light intensities (200 W/m2 to 1100 W/m2)”, he says.

The sun simulator is used to compare the output of the PV module as measured at the factory against an independent standard. The sun simulator is also critical to quantify the impact of the accelerated stress tests described above. Finally, the high potential electrical tester helps to identify failures in the insulation resulting from accelerated stresses. Failures in electrical insulation indicate a potential risk to the safe and reliable performance of PV modules over time.

The PV team at the CSIR also offers outdoor test services for module-level performance testing, soiling studies, degradation studies and small-scale string inverter system testing in a real-world environment.

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PV Testing infographics - #Didyouknow

Expert profiling

Lawrence has 15 years of experience related to solar PV, including yield impacts of the raw materials on cell efficiency; research and development of emitter wrap-through solar cells; manufacture and certification of next-generation solar PV modules; and the design and installation of residential PV systems in the United States of America.



FAQ: CSIR PV testing facility


What are the quality risks related to solar PV panels?

It is often found that the module power is lower than advertised. Modules also run the risk of degrading faster than expected and may not have adequate insulation for safe operation.

Other quality risks relate to microcracks in the solar cells and delaminated backsheets that may lead to increased power degradation, compromising safety.


What are the common failures that occur in PV panels?

  • Micro cracks in solar cells
  • Backsheet delamination
  • Encapsulant discoloration
  • Moisture ingress through the backsheet
  • Safety failures due to insufficient insulation and sealing
  • Bypass diode failures


Are locally manufactured PV panels of higher quality than imports?

The CSIR has tested a batch of modules from a domestic supplier and the quality and reliability was similar to three other batches of imported modules tested simultaneously.


Which manufacturers have high-quality PV panels?

This is difficult to answer as the module quality and reliability varies from one batch to the next. As consumers, we know that consistent quality can be a problem, even with day-to-day purchases. This is why the CSIR recommends testing modules from a specific production run when developing large-scale PV installation or procuring large shipments of PV modules for retail distribution.


How does the CSIR test the reliability and quality of PV panels?

The CSIR designed and built an indoor quality and reliability lab for PV modules to provide local services based on international best practices. The lab produces quantitative performance and safety test results to score the quality of the PV modules as delivered from the factory across a broad range of metrics. The modules are then subjected to accelerated environmental stress tests that are designed to test the reliability of PV modules over years in the field, based on test sequences ranging from a few weeks to a few months.


CSIR L.I.F.E. -  Acting swiftly to touch lives through innovation

The digital design and production of a local ventilator to support the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic took place in under 3 months, and saw the CSIR take the lead in this collaborative effort to swiftly touch lives through innovation.

Under the auspices of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), the CSIR worked closely with a number of local partners to develop the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device that uses an innovative design to provide a mild level of oxygenated air pressure to keep the airways open and, thus, assist with breathing. Through this project, a total of 18 000 ventilators were produced supplying oxygen to Covid-19 patients showing respiratory distress.

Under the project name, ‘CSIR L.I.F.E.’ (Lung Inspiratory Flow Enabler), the innovative system uses standard, hospital-grade oxygen supply, and features easy-to-use, on-device flow gages to adjust Fraction of Inspired Oxygen in steps of 10% oxygenation.

The development forms part of government’s National Ventilator Project (NVP), and is supported by the Solidarity Fund. “While ensuring that we achieve this in a short period of time, we had to ensure that we follow a rigorous, documented product lifecycle methodology that would ensure scalable manufacturing, as well as compliance and licensing under the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) and guidelines of the World Health Organization,” says Ajith Gopal, Executive Manager of CSIR Future Production: Manufacturing.

CSIR Ventilators
Ventilar covid 19

Related Information

Fact sheet


CSIR L.I.F.E. -   Acting swiftly to touch lives through innovation

The digital design and production of a local ventilator to support the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic took place in under 3 months, and saw the CSIR take the lead in this collaborative effort to swiftly touch lives through innovation.

Under the auspices of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), the CSIR worked closely with a number of local partners to develop the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device that uses an innovative design to provide a mild level of oxygenated air pressure to keep the airways open and, thus, assist with breathing. Through this project, a total of 18 000 ventilators were produced supplying oxygen to Covid-19 patients showing respiratory distress.

Under the project name, ‘CSIR L.I.F.E.’ (Lung Inspiratory Flow Enabler), the innovative system uses standard, hospital-grade oxygen supply, and features easy-to-use, on-device flow gages to adjust Fraction of Inspired Oxygen in steps of 10% oxygenation.

The development forms part of government’s National Ventilator Project (NVP), and is supported by the Solidarity Fund. “While ensuring that we achieve this in a short period of time, we had to ensure that we follow a rigorous, documented product lifecycle methodology that would ensure scalable manufacturing, as well as compliance and licensing under the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) and guidelines of the World Health Organization,” says Ajith Gopal, Executive Manager of CSIR Future Production: Manufacturing.

The device was wholly designed and produced in South Africa by the CSIR and local manufacturing and industry partners such as Siemens, Simera, Akacia, Gabler, Umoya and the University of Cape Town (UCT), with others soon to join.

Siemens provided the necessary software support for the product lifecycle management, as well as software to facilitate rapid production scaling. “This way, we remain true to the role of the CSIR – which is to perform research, development and innovation that is cutting edge and fosters industrial development,” Gopal explains.

Images library

CSIR Ventilators
Ventilar covid 19

Expert profiling

Bosscha leads the industrial robotics research group, where the focus is on product development and conducting research in the fields of industrial robotics and industrial automation, developing new algorithms for robot control, perception, application of machine learning techniques, as well as planning and developing robotic systems for industrial purposes.

Coetzee leads the future production systems research group and has a keen interest in digital transformation for various applications. Currently, the group is focusing on investigating how emerging 4IR technologies and digital platforms can advance manufacturing and provide a competitive advantage for industry. The future production systems group is also driving the Learning Factory, Smart Factory, Blockchain and Plant Simulation platforms to support the local industry.



Q: Where does one get hold of ventilators and replacement patient circuits?

A:  Ventilators and patient circuits have been donated to both public and private hospitals. Hospitals can contact the National Department of Health for distribution of more ventilators and patient circuits.


Q: Does the CSIR offer any help, support and/or training on the use of the ventilators? 

A: Manuals are supplied with each CSIR LIFE Ventilator.

The CSIR contracted QualiHealth to provide support to hospitals. For any queries, please call the following numbers:

  • Medical Queries: 071 194 4129
  • Technical Queries: 071 585 2120


We have tried to make information easily accessible.

By sending “Hi” to 071 585 2120 via WhatsApp, you will receive access to:

  • Manuals
  • Training Videos
  • Patient Leaflets


Q: What were the minimum requirements for ventilators?

A: The minimum requirements were:

  • Full time supervision by qualified healthcare professional; and
  • Oxygen supply up to 400kPa.


Q: How can the CSIR support medical device manufacturers?

A: The CSIR has the capabilities, experience and expertise to support the industry in various ways:

  • New product development;
  • Regulatory compliance and support;
  • Production design and manufacturing support;
  • Plant optimisation;
  • Advanced materials development; and
  • Product design and concept development.


Q: What are the CSIR’s plans for the ventilators?

A: We are in the process of commercialising the ventilator; and interested parties can contact the CSIR for more information.


| Projects
Project Status: 

The CSIR has overcome significant technical challenges to produce titanium metal powder for various applications at its semi-batch pilot processing plant.

| Research groups

The main focus of the group is in the field of casting technologies, specifically investment casting, semi-solid metal forming and high-pressure die casting.

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The CSIR thermal laboratory

| Scientific Infrastructure

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Thursday, February 24, 2022 - 00:00

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