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Request for Proposals (RFP) SANReN Managed Bandwidth link Institute for Maritime Technology (IMT) Simon’s Town, Cape Town
Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the Provision of Professional Services to the Import / Export Department at the CSIR for a period of twelve (12) months.
The cloud and network architecture and services research group focuses on research and development in the cloud, network architecture and services area.
The focus of the CSIR’s work in spectrum access and management innovation is on dynamic spectrum resource management and access, particularly developing the know-how and technologies that enable ef
The CSIR’s focus on data science research is developing descriptive, predictive, prescriptive analytical and visualisation computational tools to aid decision-making in prioritisation of challenges
Covid-19 Healthcare [Flip Book]
The CSIR undertakes research in experimental aerodynamics and implements technologies in this field.