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Senior software engineer

Ebrahim Saith joined the CSIR in 2013 as an intern within the biometrics group for safety and security.

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CSIR principal researcher

Lawrence holds a Master’s degree in applied statistics from the University of New Mexico and is currently working on a PhD at the University of the Witwatersrand.

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CSIR senior researcher

Rohwer has contributed to a wide range of projects in the fields of chemical processes, pollution measurement, waste management, production assessment and energy-related materials in his more than

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CSIR senior researcher

Steyn is a senior researcher at the CSIR with extensive experience in water-related research and development.

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CSIR research group leader

Bosscha holds an MSc in mechatronics from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and is the inventor of various products that are currently sold locally and internationally, including the CSIR ventilator

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CSIR senior researcher

Ndzotoyi holds a BSc degree majoring in chemistry and applied chemistry from the University of Cape Town, Postgraduate Diploma in Management, and Master's degree in Management from the University o

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CSIR principal researcher

Luzango Pangani Mfupe (Senior Member, IEEE) obtained his Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in electrical engineering from the Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa.

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CSIR principal researcher

Prof. Mesfin Kebede holds a PhD in metallurgical engineering from Inha University, South Korea.

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CSIR chief scientist

Professor Sisa Lesley Pityana has been with the CSIR for 22 years. He has been instrumental in developing research programs and facilities at the CSIR National Laser Centre.

| Expert

Teleka joined the CSIR in 2003 and plays a leading role in the management of the rope and mechanical testing facilities.