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Request for Proposals (RFP) For the provision of Technical Research and Development (R&D) Support in building Cyber Defence Capabilities
CSIR Goafwarn is a groundbreaking solution that revolutionises safety in underground coal mining.
In the halls of scientific innovation, South Africa’s heavy vehicle simulator (HVS) has carved out its place as a groundbreaking tool in road infrastructure.
Step into the world of Qfrency text-to-speech (TTS), a symphony of technology orchestrated by the CSIR Voice Computing Research Group.
CSIR researcher at APC, Nomvuyo Nomadolo, spent two weeks at the University of Pisa for nanocellulose functionalisation experiments, which is a key part of the project, currently focused on the chemical functionalization and characterization of nanocellulose.
The CSIR also hosted Prof. Alessandra Operamolla, and Prof. Jeanette Lucejko from the University of Pisa from 20–24 November 2023. The visit revolved around project discussions on the characterization of chemically modified cellulose and the preparation of membranes.
Our facility provides a wide range of instrumentation for use by the nanotechnology community, and others, to characterise their research samples.
The National Centre for Nanostructured Materials was launched in 2007 as part of the implementation of government’s National Nanotechnology Strategy.
Dr Abejide holds a Doctor of Engineering specialising in civil transportation engineering from the Central University of Technology in the Free State, South Africa.
Reatile Pitso joined the CSIR in 2022 and holds a Master of Engineering (Civil Engineering), which he achieved with distinction.