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| Projects
Project Status: 

Researchers in South Africa and their counterparts in Argentina are studying the links between human-induced pollution, the interaction of river streams and landscapes, and specific groups of organ

| Projects
Project Status: 

CSIR researchers combined two sets of land-cover data to create the first high-resolution, locally calibrated national map of woody cover for South Africa.

The CSIR conducts multidisciplinary research and technological innovation to foster industrial and scientific development.

| Projects
Project Status: 

CSIR researchers have been continuously monitoring and studying the effect of wastewater discharge on the marine environment in Durban.

| Projects
Project Status: 

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the biggest threats to water resources, human health and the environment in South Africa.

| Media Release
Wednesday, March 20, 2019 - 00:00

The residents of Gauteng have been urged to participate in and cooperate with the fieldworkers who are conducting a transport survey. About 37 000 households have been selected to participate in this survey, which aims to assist government to plan for future investments in transport infrastructure in the province.

| Expert
CSIR principal researcher


| Expert
CSIR senior researcher

Chunilall holds a PhD in chemistry from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

| Expert
CSIR principal researcher

Cooper's recent activities cover evidence-based planning, policies, crime mapping and analysis, spatial data infrastructures, volunteered geographical information, metadata, classification, address

| Expert
CSIR competence area manager for spatial planning and systems

Debba is the manager of spatial planning and systems at the CSIR. Prior to joining the CSIR in 2008, he was an associate professor in Statistics at the University of South Africa.