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The CSIR invites Expressions of Interest (EoI) from small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs), established private companies and higher education institutions to make use of the CSIR Nanomaterials Industrial Development Facility (NIDF) capabilities in materials/technology development and scale up that will lead to a competitive chemical and polymer industry in South Africa. Closing date for submissions is 17 May 2021
Cybersecurity experts from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have urged the adult community to play an active role in protecting young people from cyberbullying, as part of minimising the scourge in society.
The researchers were briefing the media today on the negative effects of cyberbullying, and providing some solutions to the problem, which takes place through online communication platforms.
The passing of Professor Bob Scholes shocked not only South Africa, but also the world and, as such, tributes continue to pour in from across the globe.
The 2009/10 summer rainfall season saw an unprecedented increase in the number of potholes and associated accidents on national, provincial and metropolitan 'sealed' roads.