
Dr Mathetha Mokonyama

CSIR Impact Area Manager for transport systems and operations

Mokonyama’s research interest lie in methodologies for translating society’s transport-related needs into appropriate transport policies, designs, plans and associated management systems.

Full Profile

Mokonyama leads the transport systems and operations impact area at the CSIR. He holds a degree in civil engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits University), as well as a Master’s and PhD in transportation engineering from the University of Pretoria (UP). He previously worked for the City of Johannesburg and as a private civil engineering consultant in the areas of transport planning, transport modelling, traffic engineering and development engineering. He has published peer-reviewed technical papers, as well as book chapters on topics related to transport operations and modelling. He has also consulted on the topics of transport planning and operations for all spheres of government in South Africa and for international clients, such as the International Association of Public Transport. His research interests include the modelling of the dynamic needs of public transport customers and the specification of their needs in public transport service contracts and service design. He is a registered professional engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa.

Academic qualifications: 
  • BSc (Civil Engineering), Wits University, 1999
  • MEng (Transportation Engineering), UP, 2005
  • PhD (Engineering), UP, 2015


Dr Mathetha Mokonyama, CSIR Smart Mobility expert

Contact Person

Dr Mathetha Mokonyama
