
CSIR’S reaction on the Gazetted Integrated Resources Plan 2019

Publication Date: 
Friday, November 8, 2019 - 00:00

CSIR welcomes the gazetting of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2019, by Minister Gwede Mantashe, on 18 October 2019. The finalisation of the IRP should provide the necessary certainty to all stakeholders as far as security of supply and energy mix choices in the medium to long-term is concerned.

The CSIR has made its initial insights available and highlighted the key risks and opportunities for South Africa that emanate from the IRP 2019.

Contact Person

David Mandaha

+27 (12) 841 3652/072 126 8910


The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) welcomes the gazetting of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2019, by Minister Gwede Mantashe, on 18 October 2019. The finalisation of the IRP should provide the necessary certainty to all stakeholders as far as security of supply and energy mix choices in the medium to long-term is concerned.

The CSIR has made its initial insights available and highlighted the key risks and opportunities for South Africa that emanate from the IRP 2019. Lead author and principal engineer Dr Jarrad Wright highlighted the importance of having a gazetted IRP. However, he noted that two critical items remain unclear. “Firstly, what should we build next, considering the highlighted short-term capacity and energy gap? Secondly, relative to least-cost, what premium will customers be paying if we pursue the gazetted and policy adjusted IRP energy mix?”

Previously, the CSIR provided comments on the Draft IRP 2016 and Draft IRP 2018. As part of this, the CSIR also engaged bilaterally with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, as the key custodian of the IRP, along with other industry stakeholders (including Eskom, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa, South African Local Government Association, Energy Intensive Users Group of Southern Africa and the public). The CSIR intends to engage further with these stakeholders on the gazetted IRP 2019.

We encourage industry stakeholders, the public and members of the media to access the latest publication and previous publications for further insights into previous versions of the IRP and the gazetted IRP 2019. We would be happy to answer any questions of clarity, should they arise.

Link to slide deck (2019) “Integrated Resource Plan 2019: Initial CSIR insights and risks/opportunities for South Africa”:

Media enquiries:

David Mandaha: CSIR Media Manager
Tel: 012 841 3654
Cell: 072 126 8910
Email: dmandaha@csir.co.za