Meet Dembe Nenzhelele
Electrical Engineer Dembe Nenzhelele - regards young people as the vision bearers for the country. He believes young people have the ability to contribute towards making the country great by uniting and working together.
Name: Dembe Nenzhelele
Job title: Electrical Engineer (Electronic Warfare Signal Analyst)
What do you think the future holds for you as a young person?
I have had plenty of opportunities to interact with other youth from different spheres of life, and they all share the same sentiment that we are living in a time when most things are possible and I agree. Young people have the willpower to make things happen. With all these possibilities, I believe that the future holds whatever my thinking or imagination ceiling is and what my will allows.
What kind of future do you envision for the country and how do you think the youth can help shape it?
We are living in a time of opportunities and where the people voices matter. I believe that as long as people continue to speak out in support of positive change, we will contribute towards a prosperous and fruitful country. Yes, there are some issues (racism, inequality, abuse, crime) that need to be ironed out, but the future still looks bright. I believe the Soweto uprising and Fees Must Fall movements gave the world and our country a taste of the power that we as youth have. Many times we, the youth, are in unison in matters that are destructive, and we do succeed. However, if we unite and speak the same language about making our country better, we will also succeed. We are the vision bearers of this country and we should unite to make this country great.
South Africa has one of the highest unemployment rates among the youth. If you were tasked with helping to find solutions to address this issue, what would they be?
I think the issue is fundamental and goes back to our schooling system. I believe that every one of us is placed on this earth in order to discover and solve a specific problem. However, we end up being trained to assist in solving other people's problems. I believe that the solution to all this is to teach each other to find the problem that we are supposed to solve hence the importance to change our education system. In the meantime, I believe we need to drive industrialisation and entrepreneurship in order to help absorb the current youth we have.
Name one great achievement you are most proud of.
I led the Radar and Electronic Warfare Youth to winning the DPSS Employee Engagement and Diversity Award in 2016
Name one young person whose work you are inspired by.
Unfortunately I have a couple, for each aspect of my life: Morgan Turner, Aaron Lindsey, Joseph Prince, Steven Furtick, Joseph Lau, and Dr Francois Maasdorp.