CSIR Energy Industry Support Programme
Capacity Building and Technology Incubation Support for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises
1. Invitation
The Energy Industry Support Programme (EISP) is a CSIR Energy Research Center initiative aimed at providing technology development support to small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs) in the broader energy sector value chain. The programme is envisaged to support SMMEs who want to participate (or are already participating) in the energy sector as well as fill the skills gaps in the labour market for the emerging energy industry. The programme aims to encourage innovation and to help empower innovators with the skills required to contribute to the development of the energy sector and economy more broadly. This initiative is aligned with the CSIR mandate that aims to improve the quality of life of South Africans through multi-disciplinary research and technological innovation that can stimulate localisation and industrial development.
SMMEs interested to participate in this program are invited to apply for the following initiatives:
- Capacity building for SMMEs either already or want to participate in the energy sector. This will comprise of a 1-week training course where SMMEs will be empowered with technical knowledge relating to the energy technologies envisaged to emerge from the energy transition in the country. Higher consideration will be given to females and disabled persons. Some of the topics to be covered include value chain analysis of renewable technologies and possible opportunities for enterprise development, project finance and business case development for renewable technologies and policy and regulation considerations for renewable technologies with intense focus on opportunities for SMMEs.
- Technical incubation services for SMMEs embedded in the energy sector already offered by CSIR. This program will prioritize SMMEs that are beyond start-ups, already offer products and services in the energy space and are struggling with technical expertise in the renewable energy domain. All enterprises will be screened against pre-determined criteria to select those that could form part of a growing energy industry and that can continue to grow with the support of the CSIR Energy Research Centre.
The cost of hosting these interventions is covered by a partnership between CSIR and EWSETA. The only costs envisaged by the applicant will be data, travel, and accommodation, where applicable.
2. Application Deadline: 3 March 2025
3. Application forms
To participate in these application processes, interested parties are encouraged to share relevant information using the links to the forms below:
Kindly complete and submit the forms online. For further information or any assistance, please contact the Energy Industry Team on eisp@csir.co.za