
Pieter Lange

Principal project manager

Lange’s research interests include implementing skills development and project management in the mining Industry.

Full Profile

Pieter holds a Master’s degree in business leadership. He joined the CSIR in 2023 and has, thus far, implemented the Enhance Training and Emergency Response and the Mock Mine Projects. He came to the CSIR with 31 years of experience in the mining industry, out of which 20 were spent as a Training Manager in the skills development sector. His role was to implement various human resources strategies to maximise production and the safety of the workforce. During this time, he also implemented various skills development projects, such as the implementation of simulators aimed at improving the safety of machine operators and the improvement of production implementation of a Learning Management System to optimise learning administration and reporting. Pieter erected a Mock Mine to reduce incidents and fatalities during the operation.

Expertise: Skills development, project management and technical education

Academic qualifications: 
  • MBL (Master of Business Leadership), University of South Africa, 2003
  • BEd (Honours), University of Pretoria, 1997
  • HEd (Higher Education Diploma) University of South Africa,1992
  • National Technical Diploma (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Training Certificate, IPM 1995
Pieter Lange, CSIR Mining expert

Contact Person

Pieter Lange
